

Sunday 30 October 2016

Well its two nights before launch and we are still wondering how we will fit everything in in time. Still we must press on and as Confusius said:

"When its obvious goals cannot be reached, don't adust the goals but the action steps. "

Thursday 27 October 2016

So today we continue to build our product suite in readiness for launch, spread sheets are filling up with all manner of wonderful things which and we hope there'll be something for all.

The tree calendar has been completed and includes basic drawings on identification. The drawings were done by us as we felt we needed more of ourselves in the calendar that just the written content.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

So on the weekend we sold our first hand made wiccan wand. It was made from chesnut with runes on the handle and clear quartz crystals at either end. To be fair the finding of the wood was almost as much fun as the making , identifying the trees with a 30 year old Observer book and a forestry commission app! We've made a number of other wands which will hopefully go on sale on the AA site.

A picture below of the first wand sold with the customer feedback of "Great!"

Tuesday 25 October 2016

As part of the useful information section of the website we've been compiling a Tree Table based on the celtic tree calendar. When complete it will hopefully be a useful guide not only to what tree relates to what month but include information on how to identify particular trees, its healing properties, symbology and even which stones are associated with it. The idea is to make it printable and even make it available in poster format as a quick reference guide to those interested.

Monday 24 October 2016

Today and all this week in fact its all about getting ready to lauch the Ambient Aura website. We are aiming to be up and running on All Saints Day but as with all these things there are a million and one things to do getting everything in place. An exciting time as we develop products lists and information pages.

Watch this space as we provide updates on the launch and other thoughts.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Witches Stone

Witches stones are a unique set of 13 stones used for divination. 
Stones are cast in the same manner as traditional runes or by picking one at a time while asking a question. Each stone has a symbol which enables the reader to get insights into a person or situation.
A rune can only be read if face up.

The 13 symbols are as follows: 
SUN - Making good choices, the start of something new. Healing and good health. Good news. 
MOON - imagination, female energy, changes. 
FLIGHT - Information, communication. Travel. 
RINGS - Creating something new. Connecting people. 
ROMANCE - Harmony, Soulmates, Relationships and Love. 
WOMAN - Female characteristics and abilities. Home, healing, nurturing and creating. 
MAN - Male characteristics, father. Action, protection of loved ones. Provider. 
HARVEST - Education, rewards, blessings. 
CROSSROADS - Big life decisions. Being afraid to move forwards. Stuck. 
STAR - Freedom, being accepted for you. Life purpose. 
WAVES - Movement. Insecurity and feeling overwhelmed. Deep spiritual connection. 
SCYTHE - Making final choices. Changes and endings. Danger. Walking away and drawing a line. 
EYE - Seeing truth, focus, psychic abilities. 

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Super Moons, Crystals and carvings!

So in the run up to our big launch we have been busy making these! Oak, birch, hazel...to name a few but these particular wands were carved and charged by the Hunter Super moon and are completely unique.

Each has a quartz dual end to help with energy flow.
I expect there will be many more of these from us :)